The journey so far...

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life,
and the only way to be truly satisfied is to
do what you believe is great work.
And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” 
- Steve Jobs

The time passes so quickly, I realised I just hit my first anniversary working full time in church a month ago. I never worked in a company more than a year because in the past, I had to study and work part time at the same time. 

I started working since young, around 15 or 16 years old? My first job was working at Popular book fair during my school holiday. Every year end school holiday, I will make sure I work part time at somewhere, be it a promoter for food sampling at the Supermarket, or shampoo girl at the Pharmacy, flyer girl when nobody take your flyers; No matter how much I hated those jobs because the agent will dragged your pay at least 3 months. As a high schooler, earning RM120-150/day seems huge to me.

Once I finished high school, I then worked in Vincci, Padini Concept Store while waiting for my SPM result. I was not the girl that you know today, I had no dream and purpose. Until the lost is found by God, thankful for Kevin who was being so thick face & persistent, keep inviting me to church. Here I am today, after 8 years, still haven't backslide. HAHAHA! 

I entered college and intern in a multimedia production company, as junior designer. That was the time I learned a lot about design. My senior was a super talented guy. He taught me so much about Illustrator. After I graduated in Bachelor of Communication & Media Management in Taylor's University, I got a job offered at eBay Malaysia. eBay is a well known company, but I was hired as fashion merchandiser, I love fashion, but it was not something I enjoyed waking up everyday and brave through the jam everyday for 2-3 hours. I resigned after 6 months.

Then, I worked in an online store that specializes in beauty, Supermodels Secret. I had the most amazing boss, she knows I am leaving to The States, but she still gave me a job because I needed money to survive. Of course, my plan to The States didn't work out. That's why I am still here. One day, I got a call from my pastor, asking me keen to work in church as designer. I thought it was a prank. My ex-boss knew how much I wanted to go full time, she gave me her blessing and let me go. Cut the long story short, I said yes, not just to the job offer, but yes to the calling of full time ministry.

After one year... I survived! HAHAHAHA! So, I decided to pen down my journey in the past one year because I still find it is so surreal. Because this is a job that I can say it out loud, a job that I love, yes, LOVE. 

A job that you love doesn't mean it is all sunshine and rainbow, with unicorn and pixie dust, no where near perfection because we all are human too. But a place that I can be used by God, to be creative as a channel to impact every lives in this place, to partner with a God, to serve Him all the days of my lives. 

It is tough. No more weekends. Your life will be watched by others because you are a church staff. People will look up to you as an example. Pressure will fall on you. People will be placed under you. You are supposed to be 'more spiritual' than non-staff. Your family will think you are a crazy workaholic. Your friends will think you have no life. 

So what's the journey so far...

First year has passed. Being new in the staff team, everything is first time for me. Just like these welcome notes on my first day at work. They really made effort to welcome me, create a memorable welcome moment for me. Thanks all! I will stick with chu all too!


CHCKL staff team are super versatile and talented!!! On normal days like Monday-Friday, we do anything to prep for weekend service. We are not just working in office, with air-conditional, sometimes we get our hands dirty and get the job done. Our muscles are always ready to move things up and down, build our own furniture, clean our own space, and these guys, they are so so amazing. IT IS COMPLETELY OKAY TO LOOK UNGLAM.


We are also a FOOD HUNTING TEAM. We would travel far to eat something we love, with one van, and all in. 
P/S: There will be lots of unglam photo. 

My first CNY dinner! Sao Gong Jau

And this one quite epic. We woke up early, went to Klang at 7am to eat Bak Kut Teh! 

On the way to JB. We stopped by for the best Tangkak Beef Noodle!


YER. Durian feasting. Not me. NEVER.


I have a new found passion. I realise I love doing decor for events/party too. My first experience was to help in decor for Pastor's 40th Birthday. I did the photo booth, I find joy to make things look beautiful, I love setting a theme for events, conceptualizes ideas and making stuff.

Even pastor also took selfie with that backdrop. (please don't kill me)


I enrolled into BCM (Bible College Malaysia)! IT IS TOUGH!!! I always asked myself "Why am I doing this???" I need to attend night class every Wednesday, study for exam and do so many assignments. I have to endure this for 6 years to earn my Master in Theology! T_T 

Thank God I have a lot of classmates with me. And my lecturer is the cutest! 

Our principle Pastor Andrew is very thoughtful, not only we have coffee and tea provided, but also muffins! So yummy and soul-healing when you had two and a half hour class on Old Testament.

Sometimes, we had some fun in class. See who was snacking? Start with D. 


We are A TEAM. We are a big big team. Our challenge is to find place for staff retreat.


 My boss can cook and paint. MY PASTOR.


You have to learn EVERYTHING. BE FLEXIBLE. 

Director. Makeup artist.

Art Director. Photographer.

Model. Carpenter.

Vampire. (no sleep) hehee


Star Wars. I finished watching six episodes of Stars Wars in 3 days.

Suddenly, I am also a HOD. Tell you something funny, I refused to be a cell group leader after I graduated from Cell leader Training many years ago, because I don't see myself capable enough to take care of a group of people. And God gave me a ministry to lead, now this is way bigger than a cell group. #dimgai

Workshop & Training.

Learn to love. Now that I have a team, I always think about them. How can I help them to serve better, and not burn out. How can I get into their lives. How can we grow as a team.

Count the days to make a calendar.

Learn to take selfie and be brave.


And one thing that I am thankful for because I had two amazing interns last year, they both are now my best friends. One is not here =( and one I still bug her everyday.

Some random stuff you can do if you are brave, take photo on stage.


“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bounds. Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”

I wrote these things down is not about myself, but I want to count the blessing and practice gratitude. Because I know when I feel weak and in doubt, I should look up and remember God is in control. He wants the best for me. Forever thankful.

Cheers for more memories!

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