world end?! reallyyy?

Here I am typing on my Macbook at 1.00a.m. on 21.12.2012. You know what I mean? The so called Doomsday 21st Dec 2012 is today, i mean, right naoooooo! The funny thing is I'm here in my room, next to my bed, just finished a great movie, listening a heartfelt worship song, and, updating my blog!

Ever since the movie 2012 came up last year, everybody was talking about 'the end of the world', argued about what is right and wrong; true or false; is it the end or a new beginning? And I came across with people asked me "what would you do if the world ends today?" 

Honestly, I never try and think about it because... partly I do not believe the stupid Mayan Calendar bullshit, and I know Jesus second coming is rather 'low profile' xD; And partly I know I am ready to meet our Papa in heaven if all of us gonna die. People afraid about what happened after they die, I know I'm not...

Anyhow, this 'prank' still got me thinking a bit. Few hours ago, a friend of mine told me, If we are still alive after tomorrow, we are gonna do something big TOGETHER! =) And yeap, I guess we will stay alive until... God knows? Then, I started to think... 

What would I do IF the world really ends today?

I remember I answered someone, "I will watch my favourite movies and then fell asleep, sleeping and dying safe and sound." This may sound ridiculous, but to me, what can we do if we are really dying? Well, what I really want to do is just stay at home with my family, and enjoy, do whatever I want, and lastly Rest In Peace!

Of course, on a serious note, I want to meet my friends; Especially these people...
1. A friend who brought me to Christ, introduced to me who is Jesus Christ.
2. A friend who took care of my as a leader, sister, and best friend.
3. A friend who taught me how to play guitar, stayed with me like a big brother in down times.
4. And these people who shown me what is unconditional love; always fetch me in and out, all the good times we spent, shared darkest secret of our own and always love each other no matter what...

I'm thankful that my heartbeat is still beating at pace with Him. Heart still feeling love despite my own struggles, people really matters to me are appearing in my head and reminds me again how much I love them. 

I guess, as much as how stupid is the Mayan Prophecy, I find it happens for a reason. To send us a message: Not to be afraid of dying because you no longer living, but be reminded you'd lived a life with people and love. To learn to appreciate people around us, especially those who really care and put efforts to love you by action... Really, to you who is reading this and for myself, APPRECIATE PEOPLE and GO LIVE YOUR DREAM.

Don't Regret.

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