Little Things That Makes Me Happy.

As time goes by, I learn to see things through a macro lens, to me, little things can mean a world to me. Such as...

Flowers. I never learn to appreciate flowers when I was little, but growing up, my liking towards flower grew stronger, especially Sunflower and Daisy :)

Lights. I love things that sparks, stands out in the dark. Lights give me a sense of calmness and hope. Coldplay song "Fix You" sings about Light Will Guide You Home...

Scene. This is a very lovely gift from a lovely friend. She knows me so well, I love things that scented, like scented candles, or diffuser. My favourite scent is Lavender and Vanilla :)

Friends. Good friends or close friends are hard to find. I love spending time with people, to share, to listen, to talk, to laugh, to do crazy things together...

And guess what! I love bacon! This is a recent gem I just discovered, Bacon Gelato! Seriously, this one taste really yummmmm, and expensive T_T

Just let my face tells it all...

One of my focus in 2014 is to stay focus, stop trying to master and control everything. I'm a control freak, it somehow gave me a sense of security but it is also killing me. I want to learn to stop, walk slower, look at things in a different side... Most importantly, is to be happy at little things. 

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